Kantipur Film Academy has launched its OTT app Kantipur Cinemas with the aim of bringing films and series at affordable costs. The new venture was inaugurated at a lavish ceremony recently held on Monday, October 17 in Kathmandu.
Former PM KP Sharma Oli launched the OTT platform in the midst of various celebrities from the entertainment and political sphere. The CPN (UML) Chairman Oli wished success on the platform that brought the service in a modern digital form. He also talked about the struggles Nepal’s film industry faces because of a small market.
Kantipur Cinemas is available on Android, iOS, web, and Smart TVs.
The platform aspires to serve subscribers with Nepali content. The company writes on its blog”
“We are Kantipur Cinemas, Nepal’s largest OTT platform, dedicated to delivering premium, high-quality Nepali-originated movies, web series, and authentic short films to Nepali audiences worldwide.”
Also read: “Jaari” Arrives on the Cinemaghar app
Kantipur Cinemas cost per month
Kantipur Film Academy’s Chief Executive Officer said that subscribers can watch all the content on Kantipur Cinemas for Rs 299 per month. He also said that the platform is Nepal’s first to be available on a subscription basis. He shared that the platform will feature motion pictures (movies), short films, and series.
Viewers can pay for the packages via digital wallets such as eSewa and IME Pay.
He said, “There are many examples of such OTT platforms which are well established. We are also trying to emulate the same service with Kantipur Cinemas.”
At the same time, Film Development Board Chairman and actor Bhuwan KC said that the platform will benefit both the audiences and content makers. He added that the app will be an exceptional choice for Nepali film connoisseurs across the world.
Check out: Nepali Films to Be Released on South Indian OTTs
Movies on OTT app Kantipur Cinemas
On Kantipur Cinemas, viewers can watch a number of Nepali feature films. Currently, Jackie: I am 21, and Julebi are available. Similarly, series such as Brahmanda and short films Mother, Kharani, and Miss Secret are also playing on the new OTT app.
OTT apps are becoming very popular in Nepal. The ease of access and convenience of watching content on smartphones and multiple devices have made OTT apps a favorite for many who wish to have options to watch movies and series outside of the film halls. Check out: OTT Platforms vs Cinema Hall, Which One is Better For Watching Movies?
While Netflix is available in Nepal for foreign films, the Cinemaghar App, NetTV, and other domestic services are contributing to the streaming sector in Nepal.