Worldlink Internet Education Program has commenced, starting on 6th November in selected schools in all 7 provinces of Nepal. Worldlink Internet Academy, a part of the biggest ISP in Nepal has brought this awareness program with the collaboration of the LOCUS group of Pulchok Engineering Campus. Let’s learn more about Worldlink Internet Education Program in this article.
Worldlink Internet Education Program
This program is initiated by the joint effort of Worldink Internet Academy and Locus, the umbrella organization of the Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering at the Pulchok Campus. The graduate students with the help of Worldink are conducting the program covering 7 provinces in Nepal.

A total number of 50 schools are selected for the campaign. Starting from the 6th of November, the program is targeted toward students aged 12 to 17. And it will conclude on the 12th of November, 2022.
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Topics of Worldlink Internet Education Program
The awareness program will cover the topics of safe use of the internet, cyberbullying, phishing sites, staying online with data safety, etc. To facilitate the campaign, Worldlink branches in the respective places will cater to internet connection throughout the span.
Keshav Nepal, the Chief Executive Officer of Wordlink has stated the importance of maintaining online safety for children/teenagers. He further added that this program conducted by Worldlink Internet Academy will include more topics and digital safety in the near future.
The educational materials have been prepared with the help of the Child Safe Net institution. And 50 instructors from the LOCUS group will be conducting classes in those 50 schools. The duration of the class is stated to be 2 hours as per Bipin Khanal, the event manager of LOCUS.
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About Wordlink
Wordlink is arguably the biggest ISP in Nepal. It has over 700,000 active consumer accounts and 2000 business accounts in all 77 districts. NetTV is also a popular IPTV in Nepal and it is a part of Worldlink as well. Being such a big enterprise, Worldlink is also fulling its corporate social responsibility by bringing such awareness programs. It also has thousands of Free WiFi hotspots across the major cities.

The awareness campaign will turn out beneficial to the students. The present high-tech era is also bringing several risks and dangers alongside innovations and opportunities. Teenagers are more likely to get affected by the negative impacts of social media. Being the primary targets of hackers and ill-minded people, this age group is prone to more negative outcomes.
Hence, data safety and awareness have become crucial due to the ongoing scams, frauds, and phishing happening every hour. Not only ISPs, but the government should also equally contribute to creating a safer environment for internet users.
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So what do you think of Wordlink Internet Education Program? Do you wish to see more such programs being conducted? Do not hesitate to pour your thoughts, opinions, and views in the comment section below.