Today in this article I am going to teach you how to create free website in Nepal. If you are an individual who wants to build their own website either for personal purpose or for business purpose, this article is exactly for you.
If you haven’t read my previous article where I have taught you guys to register a free domain then, you can click here and read the article.
If you have already read the previous article, you may also have watched the video where I explained to you how you could register free domain in Nepal. In this article, I am going to explain to you how you could connect that domain to the free hosting service and make your website live.
Domain and Hosting
After all, I’ve said, the question may arise on your mind that what is domain and hosting? Explaining in simple terms, the domain is just a unique identification string to your website. For e.g. ‘’ is a domain for Google. While hosting is the server/memory where data of your website resides.
If you want to create free website in Nepal, you could get both of that for free as I’ve said earlier.
Create Free Website in Nepal: Free Hosting

There are many free hosting providers out there. Out of which I prefer 000webhost. I have also hosted my website on this free hosting provider. Turns out, it works pretty well.
You have to log in using Google, Facebook or any email and sign up for 000webhost account. After that, it’s really amazing User Interface lets you build your site very easily and instantly.
There are three options when it comes to how you want to build your website. You can either upload the HTML/PHP site using its File manager or you can also install WordPress to your site. It has really amazing website builder which you can use if you are just a beginner in web development.
To connect your domain to your 000webhost site, you have to go to the settings and have to park your domain in the site. In the video below I have explained more thoroughly how you can connect domain to 000webhost and create free website in Nepal.