Saturday, March 15, 2025
HomeBankingCitizens Bank Starts Cash Deposit Machine, Digital Banking

Citizens Bank Starts Cash Deposit Machine, Digital Banking

Citizens Bank has brought a cash deposit machine into operation which allows customers to deposit cash without human help. The bank started the service marking the auspicious occasion of the Laxmi Puja, Tihar 2079.

The machine promotes digital banking services allowing people to transact cashlessly and electronically. With the machine, customers can deposit cash into their own or others’ bank accounts without filling up a form and waiting in a queue.

The bank says the machine accepts one thousand and five hundred paper bills at the moment.

The bank installed the machine at its Durbarmarg branch situated on the Narayanhiti Path. The service will gradually expand to more branches across the country, the bank has said.

Citizens Bank cash deposit machine
Citizens Bank

Check out: Nabil Cash Machine: Allows Both Cash Withdrawal And Deposit

At the inauguration ceremony, Ganeshraj Pokharel, the CEO of the bank said the bank has effectively implemented digital banking service which is one of the cornerstones in advanced banking.

Citizens Bank is one of the leading commercial banks in Nepal which started the service on April 20, 2007. As of now, the bank serves its customers through 180 branches, 133 ATM outlets, and 96 branchless banking services across Nepal.

Digital banking services have become the norm since the COVID-19 catastrophe with many banks starting cashless and online services. Cash machines have become one of the trends lately.

How do you see the digital transformation of banking services in Nepal. Should banks also focus on acquainting people with emerging technologies to promote accessibility? Do write your opinion in the comments below.

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