Do you want to know how to change SIM owner name in Ntc or Ncell? Here is a step-by-step guide catered to you. Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) has made it mandatory to register SIM cards under the active users’ names only, so, it’s even more significant than ever to have the chip in your own name. Or, let’s say, you may have to transfer the ownership of a SIM card into your name.
Is the SIM you are currently using under your name or have you forgotten who it is registered under? It’s crucial to have SIM cards in your own name for a lot of reasons. Social media accounts require mobile numbers for account creation, mobile banking apps need mobile numbers too. These are the few use cases of phone numbers besides using them for calls, SMS, and data.
You would want to change your SIM name for various reasons
Not having the SIM in your own name could mean ramifications. You wouldn’t want to get entangled in the judiciary process for something you have not done but somehow, you were using the SIM registered to that person or for a similar situation.
Also, since one user can acquire many SIM cards in Nepal, our carelessness could amount to a risky situation which further mandates that we have our phone number registered in our own name. Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) has directed mobile service providers to allow only two SIM card use however, in real life, one could be likely using or may have used more than two SIM cards. So, for security and other personal reasons, it’s always preferred to have SIM in your own name.
Nepal has two mobile service providers- Nepal Telecom (NTC) and Ncell. Both companies issue GSM SIM cards to their subscribers and provide 4G, 3G, 2G, wireless WiFi services, etc. You can buy an Ntc SIM card from Ntc offices around the country while Ncell distributes its SIM cards via authorized stores. However, changing the ownership of SIM cards is somewhat similar and slightly different.
How to check SIM owner name in Ntc, Ncell?
- In Ntc: Dial *922# to check the SIM owner name.
- In Ncell: *9966# to see who the SIM you are using is registered under.
When you hit these dial numbers, you get the following response in Ntc (Left) and Ncell (Right).

You can use Ntc and Ncell’s mobile app to check the SIM owner name.
Now, let’s find out how you change the SIM owner name in Ntc and Ncell.
How to change SIM owner name in Ntc?
If you want to change the SIM ownership name in (Nepal Telecom) Ntc, here are the steps for you:
- Visit an Ntc office with the rightful documents
- You must carry the citizenship ID of the person who is using the concerned SIM card or have the person as well to facilitate the process.
- To transfer the SIM ownership to your name in Ntc, you will also require a recommendation letter containing the letter pad of the place of your work. This may include school, bank, any office (NGO, INGO), or any organization.
- Fill out a form for changing/transferring SIM ownership and submit it.
- Be careful with the details. Wrong details or any error means you will have to fill out another form.
When you visit an Ntc office for SIM owner name transfer, you need to fill out two forms. You can see the sample of these forms below:

How to change SIM owner name in Ncell?
If you want to change your Ncell SIM ownership name or transfer the ownership to yourself, follow the steps below:
- Visit your nearest Ncell center
- Carry a document such as an ID card or something that proves that you are using the concerned Ncell number
After your concerned telecom company enters your details and processes SIM transfer ownership, the process completes instantly. So, you will be able to see your own name while checking your SIM ownership name through USSD or mobile app.
Changing SIM owner name or transferring ownership has been made easy which is a great relief and convenience to the customers. I myself was using a SIM card that was under my brother’s name. Thankfully, I got it under my name in a single day.
So, if you are also in need of changing your SIM ownership, then this post must have given you succinct information on how to get it done. If you liked this post, then do share it with your friends to help them and you can also leave your query in our comment section below.