The Nepali to English date Converter tool converts Bikram Sambat (BS), a Nepali date to AD, a Gregorian/ English date.
The tool is useful for all those personnel who wish to enter their official dates like birthdays, historical days, citizenship dates, passport dates, and demise dates in some documents like visa applications, job applications, etc. For this, you only need to enter their Nepali date and voila you get the exact English date for it.

It is also beneficial if you are translating some Nepali documents to English, the date should not be of concern as you can convert it very easily.
BS (Bikram Sambat) is the official calendar of Nepal which is used for our birthdays, special occasions, historical dates, Academic certificates, Job certificates, Death certificates, and many more. As we need to enter the dates in BS from those documents to AD one, and the calculation of conversion is not algebraic nor arithmetic, we only can use the available tools to make life easy for us. Hence such converter is widely used for such dates.
Similarly, you can also the same tool below to convert English Date to Nepali, for your requirement.
Nepali to English Date Converter
By default, it shows convert from BS To AD (which is Nepali to English date conversion) and you can change to Convert from AD to BS (that is English to Nepali date). Then, Enter your date (Nepali or English) and press convert to get the required converted date (English or Nepali).
This is one of the best tools available now, which is powered by Hamro Patro, as it has no mistakes and provides the exact date of requirement.
Here are the other methods to convert Nepali dates to English dates.